Thursday, October 31, 2002

Oh, may I just say that despite months of hearing their songs on the radio, I still cannot get enough of John Mayer and Jack Johnson. I hope they're not one-hit wonders. And , btw, the Santana/Michelle Branch song is golden. Her voice sounds better on that song than I've ever heard it. So ... smooth. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha.
I was accosted by a homeless girl last night. Picture it, I'm walking out of Safeway with two bags when I spot her. As I approach she says...

HG: Can I have some food?

TJ: Can you have some food?!

HG: Yeah!

TJ: Uh, do you want some Halloween candy?

HG: Hell yeah I want some fucking candy! Yeeeeeeeeah!

Homeless girl procees to run toward me and throws her arms around me.

I was sort of doubting that she was really homeless because she and her friend looked really clean and were wearing like Gap clothes, I swear. But then she kept on talking to me and I realized she was a total insaniac, so she probably was homeless.

Whatev. A little candy makes everyone smile.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

OK, I'm not saying girls club was the best show on TV, but it was entertaining, and it featured the breathtaking city of San Francisco as its backdrop. Why cancel a show after two episodes? What kind of show can build a fan base after the pilot, except cheesy rip-offs like CSI: Miami.

Oh my God. The elephant man! Scary! Cathartic! Can't turn your head away disgusting!

I see some pretty crazy test results and procedures on the labs that come through my office. You know, the old rectal biopsy, for example. I see pictures of spleens and such. But the funniest test name I've ever seen is esophagogastroduodenoscopy. It brings me great pride that I can even spell that behemoth.

And let's not forget weird patient names. Willie Dong comes to mind.

Friday, October 25, 2002

Muffin tops just aren't the same as the real tops of whole muffins.

It's the same, but different. Ya know what I mean?

Damn you Molly Stone's, you tricky little bitch!

Thursday, October 24, 2002

Angels pitcher Donnelly was rocking the glasses tonight. Crazy.

Oh, and go giants (or va gigantes, as the lame radio DJs love to say - they're so multicultural!)

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Dude, I didn't know Trey and Kendal were siblings! Crazy! When I left the land of the unemployed (freelancer, unemployed goon, big diff) he was just a psycho beast making whatsherface's life with the whatchmacallits awful.

So, yeah. No more AMC for me. Actually, I only fell into that trap because we had no cable until, oh, June or so? Anyway, I'm free.

But I guess I'm not. I'm trapped in the 9-5 world again, only I can get away with 10-ish to 5-ish, which is nice. The past month has been all about work, at a medical center of all places. Candice hooked me up - yes, we're in the same office once again, in different but related jobs. We're actually working in the transplant department, which is insane and interesting all at once.

What else? Ben moved to a new apartment across the street from Dolores Park. Very, very cool. I've continued my obsession with Trading Spaces and all things related to home improvement - although I've been sticking to improvements made by purchasing lovely little things.

It's all about the things. And now that I have a consistent paycheck, I can buy lots of them.

Whoever said money can't buy happiness obviously never had any. There's a smile on this face...

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Many new things going on.

The least important of which is, but you should go take a look anyway. Ben always complained that it was a lame site, but my requests for him to redesign it were ignored. Finally, this weekend, we sat down and cranked this out. Simple, clean, worth a look.

Thursday, October 17, 2002