Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Wowza. The last five minutes of Gilmore Girls: Classic. BUT, if Rory is preggers, I will seriously question my loyalty to the show. A little tip: If you're going to go with a cliched story line, make Logan gay. That would be much more enjoyable for me. YaknowI'msayin'?

Friday, January 27, 2006

New Phone

New Phone
Originally uploaded by tjdee.
Loving who? Loving you, you beautiful blue Razr. Which I almost didn't get, btw. I missed the DHL guy by five minutes. I called the 800 number and after some begging and pleading with Jesus H. Christ, he redelivered. Amen.
Imogen Heap really impressed me. I saw her last night at the Great American Music Hall and, boy, could she kick it live. When I saw the piano and laptop I figured she would do some solo numbers and then rely on the laptop for the more developed songs in her set, but she had a host of cool gadgets she used to create loops, layer her voice and throw down some beats (she also played an entire song on a thumb piano). Very impressive.

Also impressive was the opening act, Zoe Keating, who played cello through a sampler to create full songs. But after a while ... the word is soporific (four years of high school Latin - represent!).

My one problem with Imogen was the closing number. People should almost always end with an up-tempo song, I think, but it seems like encores always start with a fast song and end on a (relative) downer. That slight transgression was balanced, though, by her encore disclaimer. Finally a performer who actually says, "This is my last song," while make air quotes and then explaining that she will leave, we will beg for more and she will happily oblige.

Also, saw Ernie for a second (I think) but couldn't make my way over. And Ben was trying to haul ass after it ended.

I leave him and you with two words: Glow stick.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Dear Felicity,

Jan. 4 was was 18 days ago, you lazy biatch. Mono (at age 26) or no mono, I expect an update!

Your inappropriately older (and probably imaginary) friend,

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Speaking of food, there's an interesting article about calorie restrictors in the latest issue of the East Bay Express. Some of the ideas were intriguing, but really, who wants to live until age 120 if the Cheesecake Factory's Chocolate Mousse Cake is never on the menu?
I've been obsessed with pan-roasted potatoes lately. But white potatoes every other night? Not so good. So I've been experimenting, making frequent trips to Monterey Market. Last week, I tried jicama and turnip. No. Absolutely not. Yesteday, I picked up a couple of sweet potatoes. Now, I always pass on the sweet potatoes (even those with the little marshmellows) on holidays. Just not a fan, ya dig? I thought maybe it would be different if I parboiled them and threw them in a pan with some olive oil and my go-to spice mix. Not so much. Just too SWEET. I still don't (really) understand how they're healthier than bland white potatoes.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Magazine/business acronyms I have used today (and I've only been at my desk for 30 minutes): FOB, BOB, COB.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Good things:

Sunday afternoons at the beach.

Two-for-one drink specials.

Coffee cup cardboard cooler thingies with Altoids attached to them.

And, once again, the Crate & Barrel Outlet.

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Sometimes, I'll be walking around with my iPod, bopping my head like a ROCKSTAR, and I'll think: If anyone knew what I was listening to, they would shake their head in disgust.

But lately been really into Jamie Cullum. Much like the faux magazine cover, I'm a bit behind the trend, but I got his latest CD for my mom for a Christmas stocking stuffer and have been listening to it ever since. Loves, loves, loves it!

(Also: Waking up at 9 on a Sunday is not super fun, but leaving the house at 10 and hanging outside until 4 is quite enjoyable. I should tear myself away from my laptop and Tivo more often.)

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Pros and cons of working from home (Day 1):

+ Working in my own set-up next to a window in a room with tons of natural light beats sitting in a cluster of identical desks under fluorescent lights.

+ Stealing 45 seconds here and there to throw a loady of laundry into the washing machine.

- Ready to work by 7:30 a.m. because company is based in NJ.

+ Non-existant commute.

+ Can listen to music without destroying ears with cheap iPod headphones.

+ Speakerphone is actually usable, unlike in an office where it annoys everyone.

- No free coffee.

- No coworkers to go to lunch with.

+ Lunch can include a quick trip to the grocery store, use of the stove, etc.

+ No one sees you roll your eyes or yawn during meetings.

+ It's always casual Friday at home.

Sunday, January 1, 2006

My New Year's experience can be summed up in three words, all caps: SERIOUSLY FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

And that is all there is to it.