Sunday, October 24, 2010

I've purposely kept this blog's (frighteningly large) archive semi-difficult to access (oh, the embarrassment!), but in an effort to make travel-related posts easier to check out, I've labeled posts related to my trips to Spain, Mexico and Argentina. So, check out my vignettes from:

Mexico City
Buenos Aires

Saturday, October 23, 2010

First there was Andaluces por el mundo, then Españoles en el mundo and now: Mexicanos en el extranjero. "Mexicanos en el extranjero es una mirada fraterna a través de la cual conoceremos el día a día de los compatriotas que han abandonado México y se han adaptado a las costumbres y a la cultura de los países donde ahora residen. En cada programa compartiremos su cotidianeidad; ellos nos introducirán en su trabajo, sus estudios, sus familias, sus pasatiempos... para ver de cerca su proceso de adaptación y, también, los choques culturales que han tenido que superar."

No matter where these folks come from, I love watching the shows that document their longterm stays in foreign lands. I saw the Mexican version while in Cabo last weekend. It airs on the kick-ass Once TV, which also shows the Mexican version of an Argentine show, Soy tu fan -- it's really charming and fun, and Mun2 has just started airing it with subtitles, for those who are interested. Going back to the expat shows, Spain's RTVE also airs a program about people who've come to the country from elsewhere, Destino España. It's also worth a look.