Sunday, April 16, 2000

I'm listening to No Doubt's new CD. Through song 11, my favorites are Bathwater and Suspension Without Suspense, which for some reason reminds me of older Liz Phair.

Birthday highlights:

1. My grandfather and uncle singing horribly on my answering machine, along with my grandfather saying, "Is he there? Oh, I hope it's recording!"

2. The biggie birthday card from Lauren - pictures up in a few minutes.

3. The loud bitch out after Lauren found Linda's latest white board message to the house.

4. Seeing John, the kid who vowed, with Lauren, never to drink, totally plastered at his party.

5. Talking with Sally for a long while at Justin's party.

6. Lauren and Sally requesting Crazy by Britney for me at the Banquet.

7. The entire banquet singing Happy Birthday to me and Kelly.

All the above with be expanded in a jounral entry...I'm working on it.

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