Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I dig Nelly Furtado's cover of Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy," which made the rounds a few months back. So I was psyched to find a TV performance, but it's a duet. With Charlotte Church!? Who, apparently, is now 20 and a bad-ass with a husky (!!!) chest voice, a foul mouth and her own variety show in the U.K. That, my friends, is crazy.

Monday, September 25, 2006

GUBA's Tech Circus

GUBA's Tech Circus
Originally uploaded by tjdee.
Second week on the job and we're already throwing a party. Mmmm, free drinks. I like.

Anyone wanna go? Just let me know!

Friday, September 22, 2006

My new favorite thing ever:

Hell to the No

Originally uploaded by Furry Li'l Fucker.
This is what happens when you pull out a camera without my permission. That look has served me well since childhood.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Work is going pretty well. I'm still not completely set as far as equipment, software, etc. go, but I scored me a good chair, brought in my first framed photo (loving who?) and I ain't complaining about the daily catered lunch or kitchen full o' snacks. Pistachios. Mmmmm...

So, speaking of work, I have a question for youse: It drives me crazy when an embedded video on a webpage I visit starts playing automatically. For example, when I go to a Myspace page and a Youtube video is among the comments, I have to hit play for the video to load. Some other videos, though (cough see below cough), start playing automatically. Does that bother you too? Leave a comment or email me (anything at tjdegroat dot com).


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Do You Guba?

Do You Guba?
Originally uploaded by tjdee.
You should. Because I'm heading to the big G, an old fashioned San Francisco dot-com. Bring on the stock options and the mid-afternoon ping pong!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Creepy: Waking up in Manhattan on Sept. 11 to an extraordinary number of honking cars and the wail of a fire truck siren.

Creepier: Looking at a clock and seeing 9:11 a.m.

Anyway, I'm peacing out this afternoon, after 12 days in the NYC area. Back to the Berk and a cool new opportunity.