Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Work is going pretty well. I'm still not completely set as far as equipment, software, etc. go, but I scored me a good chair, brought in my first framed photo (loving who?) and I ain't complaining about the daily catered lunch or kitchen full o' snacks. Pistachios. Mmmmm...

So, speaking of work, I have a question for youse: It drives me crazy when an embedded video on a webpage I visit starts playing automatically. For example, when I go to a Myspace page and a Youtube video is among the comments, I have to hit play for the video to load. Some other videos, though (cough see below cough), start playing automatically. Does that bother you too? Leave a comment or email me (anything at tjdegroat dot com).


1 comment:

  1. Yeah. It drives me crazy. Everyone else agrees. Guba is officially "working on it." Sweet.
