Monday, July 31, 2000

I'm in our new house, which I hadn't seen furnished yet. Nice. I'm here so I can buy a few things for work before I go back. No word on my baggage, but I'm not really stressing that.

Tonight I ran into Meghan Fowler at the A&P - hadn't seen her since graduation, even though we were inseparable during the first two years of high school. When I was paying for my items I borrowed a pen and jotted down my email address and walked around the store to find her but she had vanished...

Sunday, July 30, 2000

It's unfortunate that one event can ruin an entire series of amazing experiences.

"How was San Francisco?"

Well, my baggage was lost on the way to Newark, so until it is found and returned to me the trip sucked completely.

Friday, July 28, 2000

Internet cafes/laundromats are the greatest.

The ferry from Fisherman's Wharf to Sausalito is close behind, though. Gorgeous, fantastic, incredible.

More after I return on the hideously late Sunday flight.

Thursday, July 27, 2000

Are you sure about the German Lesbian TJ?
No, I'm right here, in the freaking San Francisco library, getting the evil eye from foreigners (there are no Americans in San Francisco) because the minute I sat down at one of the precious internet terminals it imploded.

All is well here, though. Our hostel is like a TV show, and the main star is Niko, this Japanese girl who can do no wrong. Everything out of her mouth is pure comedy. In my room are two French guys and a German Lesbian.

Again, there are no Americans in San Francisco.

So far we've done Fisherman's Wharf, Union Square, Castro, Lombard Street, a trolley ride, SOMA (where we're staying), Haight-Ashbury and a few random things. I also met Eric yesterday. I took the bus to Santa Rosa and he brought me along the Russian River to where it meets to ocean. Very beautiful. Thanks, Eric.

In a few hours Candice and I will charm Ben Jenkins into buying us dinner. Good times.

Be well. (Pardon type-os, am typing very quickly)

Sunday, July 23, 2000

Here I am! Here I am!

I think TJ's lost in the fog, though.

Friday, July 21, 2000

Big drama the past few days. I don't feel like rehashing it...but...

Off to San Francisco!

I will update, I'm sure.

And for any of you in the area who, maybe, um, like, volunteered to show me and Candice around, let's say, costal areas north of the city, if you're still interested call my cell phone: 732.310.9219

Others can feel free to stalk me as well.


Thursday, July 20, 2000

Sounds as if TJ needs a sugar daddy.
I have no money in my account and I’m leaving on Saturday. This is bad.

Also, I just kicked the shit out of that punching bag. Drop kicked the bitch.
We just had a delivery. It is a giant, red punching bag type of thing. It literally looks like a giant penis. It is like six feet tall and two feet across. As soon as it was brought in I exclaimed, “That is such a giant penis!” Like everyone else wasn’t thinking it, too.
"Dana Rivers isn't just a member of a minority group. She's more like a minority within a minority. The former teacher who underwent a sex change operation to become a woman said she and those in the transgendered community are often ignored - even in the gay world."

The Emmys. Blah. Another year without Buffy in the mix.

Tuesday, July 18, 2000

Stop whatever you are doing! Click on this link and watch Geroge Bush, Hillary and Al dance like Ben Jenkins.
The San Francisco trip is just in time. Another outbreak of the brain-swelling West Nile Virus?!
Holy shit. Pamela Lee is extremely lucky. Would you ever give it back? I guess since it's a celebrity I would, hoping for some sort of reward... I'm sure she has 10 accounts anyway.
At some point, you just have to *hope* that they split up for good to spare us all the ridiculous press attention.
Words of wisdom from T.J., from a conversation I just had with Stephanie.

"I'm including a list of all of the journalists chosen for this program in Mexico because I'm sure the organization will send it to them and then, maybe, just maybe, they'll remember me and hook me up if I ever come into contact with them again. I'm telling you Steph, you have to work every story for all it's worth."
Um, it doesn't get any cooler than when an award-winning producer for NBC who has covered wars, earthquakes and presidential elections apologizes to you for a slow response to your email.
Living in Central Jersey for two years, I've become used to the sight of roadkill on our congested streets. But this morning's variety freaked me out. It was a small animal that looked like it wasn't really hit by a car or anything, but rather just keeled over my the side of the road.

It was really off-putting.
Good morning.

This is good, but slightly scary. Change.

Monday, July 17, 2000

The little notes on Puce's site explaning delays in the redesign were getting tired, but the new site, which I just saw five minutes ago, is absolutely awesome. The content has always been consistently honest (even when being cautious) and now the design matches the quality of those journal entries.

Yes, puce rules. I will go explore some more.
Seeing Larissa, Kristie and Rennica perform this weekend has me addicted, again, to the Binghamtonics' third a cappela CD. It's ridiculous, but when I realized Kristie is the soloist on "The Flame," I got really excited, like I was meeting a celebrity or something. I will continue annoying my roommates by singing strange arrangement of old pop songs. Can you say "Seven," by Prince?

Yo, whill you move back to New Jersey and start a band with me?
Yahoo carries amazing AP photos.

This one is of toxic smoke from a fire near Montreal.
Oh my god. I thought I had saved a shitty version of my story over the correct one. I started freaking out, swearing, and my head was throbbing.

Then I found it saved under a silly, ludicrous name I had forgotten about.

I am still recovering.
This makes me giggle.

But speaking of her, and this will be the last Britney-related comment, has everyone seen Making The Video for "Lucky?" My favorite video from her. Cute!
Still going.
Googoosh comes out of hiding. This story is insane!

"But Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution, approved only a limited ban, outlawing solo female singing as too provocative."

Another reason to be grateful I live in America.
All of the sudden I am writing tons of stories about companies or organizations based in San Francisco!

"Bryant J. Tong, who has 23 years of experience in the industry, will oversee Pacific Venture Capital, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the San Francisco-based PG&E Corporation. The new firm will invest in growing energy and telecommunications companies. Tong, CEO and president of the new company, is also senior vice president for PG&E Corp."
The Commission for the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science, Engineering, and Technology Development came out with a study recommending ways to increase the number of skilled workers and they came up with really new and profound suggestions:

"Promote education reform, including adoption of statewide standards in math and science and an increase in the number of qualified math and science teachers" and "Provide greater access to higher education for diverse students through targeted intervention efforts and increased financial support"

Why didn't I ever think of that?!

Colon cams
In 1996 this woman was in the Parolympics. Now she's qualified for The Sydney Games. Insanely inspirational.
“The first year of the new century has already become a time of historic political change … ” and George W. Bush is just the man to continue the trend!

Yeah, right.

It’s fun to walk into the office and have people gasp when the say the latest incarnation of TJ THE BOY WITH THE RAINBOW HEAD. It’s dark, actually darker than my natural color, but it has cool lighter brown highlights, I guess. The shade is called “French Roast, deep bronzed brown.” I enjoy it.

Sunday, July 16, 2000

Candice is coming over. She just called and I said I am about to go to bed and I don't want her to come over here but she is anyway. Isn't it nice to have such loving friends?

Journal? Gimme some of that!

Thursday, July 13, 2000
The siliconindia thing ... there is a link to my story in the what's new box. It used to say something like "Read T.J. DeGroat's spectacular story about siliconindia, etc," but now it doesn't. It was very sweet, though.
I finished my siliconindia story. And this is the coolest compliment I've gotten for a story!
One of my favorite things to do when I'm bored at the office is to check out Yahoo's Oddly Enough section. Where can I read about a man throwing his wife out of the third-floor window because he wanted more chicken?

Tuesday, July 11, 2000

Surprisingly (well, not so much considering how much ridiculous Britney content there is on this site - which reminds me, you know things are bad when your CEO emails you a Britney Spears news story), I have never really listening to NPR.

I will do that.
Yesterday as Candice and I were walking down the stairs to go to the Targum office I said goodbye to Cathleen and, really quietly said, "Oh, yeah, I'm quitting."


She chased me down the stairs, causing Candice to laugh and me to feel slightly guilty. I told her I'd talk about it later.

The truth is I haven't made up my mind yet. I sat down with Cathleen later, before Sex and the City, and spoke to her about it. She asked me a very simple, but very smart question. What are the pros to staying at Targum? There aren't as many as there used to be, honestly. So I worked with my schedule and figured out that if I drop lame Computer Apps, which I didn't want to take anyway because I ABHOR recitation, I could devote 25 hours a week to the internship, still have two days a week where I'm not waking up at 7:30 and have time at night for feeble attempts at homework/procrastination.

So. We'll see.

Also, I just noticed Ben's post. Did I mention I'm meeting him in San Francisco? We'll be there the same week. It should be a lot of fun, unless it's very awkward and scary and horrible. :) Nah!

Monday, July 10, 2000

Oh my lord. It just happened. Thanks God Stephanie gave me the heads up, otherwise my nerves really would have been tested in that office.

Luke, the CEO, came toward my desk and asked me to come into his office. I played it cool, said, “One minute,” finished up an email and walked in. I waited patiently as Debbie finished talking about a proposal.

Then I sat down, next to Luke and across from Foulis. The short version is this: Luke complimented me on my work, said Barbara has nothing but nice things to say about me, said my journalism is first rate (which means more than anything) and said he wants to work out how much time I can devote to this place when school starts.

I told him about my schedule, well, what I could remember: 15 credits, every day, no full days off for the company. He asked me if I would consider dropping down to 12 credits and taking a class during the summer for some kind of tuition reimbursement, partial or full.

That led me to the announcement that I am going to Spain for 6 weeks next summer. “That changes things a bit,” he said, “But you’re still welcome back here at any time.” He went on to say that it was an opportunity I shouldn’t refuse.

But he reiterated that the company could either put me on salary (!!), raise my hourly rate or pay tuition if I can pledge more hours during the school year.

Oh, yeah, they also added $100 tax-free to my check since interns don’t get paid for the holiday.

Then it was smiles and handshakes and “Great job!”

Also today: made nice with the guy at the ACLU, heard from Deepa, former Targum editor who got an internship with Reuters and wrote stories about the Latin Grammys and Nickelodeon's P.C. line-up.

Sunday, July 9, 2000

I'm the same way. I just delete names when I forget the person behind them. If only it were so easy to forget people who we don't want to see, talk to or think about again. The reason I don't like to go to public places during the summertime when all the kids from middle school are back in town.

Also, the countdown has started for my West Coast Find-a-Job and Meet TJ Trip. 13 days and counting. . .
I have people on my buddy list who I haven't spoken to in more than a year. Everytime I sign on and see their names pop up I wonder why they're still on my list, why we stopped talking and why I don't just say hello. Sometimes I'm reminded that they even exist. And I still won't delete their names...

Friday, July 7, 2000

I went out to dinner with a friend, chatted for a while about the ever-complicated work/school issues, and decided I was terribly bored and exhausted and couldn't bear to continue with the night's activities.

So here I am, blogging away on a Friday night.
About to call the CEO of siliconindia. Should be a fun interview...I just hope I don't fall asleep from severe cold-related exhaustion.
The funniest moment of the day?

At the news meeting Philip gave us a presentation of the new design for the site. We were discussing a current problem, that sometimes new visitors to the site aren't hit with the registration page.

Luke shares his feelings with us: "That's a big problem. People should be hit with that like a mullett."

Ha! Ha! Ha!!!

You have to understand our fascination with mulletts and other unfortunate hairstyles.
I walked into the deli to order my lunch and ran into Justin Miller, who is now working behind the counter. After saying hello the first words out of his mouth were, “so, I hear you might be leaving Targum.”

I rolled my eyes, then half smiled and looked at him. “Jes told me,” he said.

“That’s fucked up, Justin.”

“She was really trashed when she said it, though,” he replied.

I was not pleased, but I told him about what’s going on. I shouldn’t be surprised, though. Anyway can read this site. All it takes is a quick search of my name in yahoo or altavista. The price we pay. :)

Last night I had a dream …

For some reason a lot of my dreams (at least the few that I remember) take place in Upper Saddle River. I guess I have some unresolved issues related to that town, that time. I was living in the Dimmig Road house and getting ready for my first day of school. I was with two other people I know in real life, but I can’t remember who they were, just a guy and a girl. I was pretty nervous, I think it was supposed to be high school, but the feeling surrounding the event reminded me of middle school. For whatever reason, only two of us could fit in the old, pale blue VW Bug, so I had to ride this old, slightly rusted, blue bike with really thin tires. Everything about it was just unstable.

I remember trying desperately to make it to school on time, pedaling across hilly roads, cursing my friends for driving. I was so afraid of getting there late, so horrified of walking into that building alone and wandering around the halls searching for the right door.

Thursday, July 6, 2000

"I thought you were leaving!" Barbara said to me as she was heading out of the office. "You don't look like you're going to make it that much longer."

God, I don't feel *that* bad.

I was well enough to write a cool article about Venus and Serena Williams' semifinal match at Wimbledon and the impact they've had on promoting tennis among African-American communities. Fun, after talking about becoming an AP sports reporter.
Well, yesterday at my job three people got laid off and three contractors told to stop working. One of those laid off was my friend who had recommended this job to me and also kept me here despite wanting to leave for several weeks. Today my boss asked me if I wanted to talk, I said no. He asked if I would be leaving, I said "no time soon." Which is a great big fat lie and he knows it. Gross. I'm now trying to decide whether to just quit and find something else, be it real work or temp work or stupid work ... or tought it out until I get another real job and/or move away.

Well, i can breathe better, but i still sound and look bad. Everyone is babying me, though, telling me to take it easy, which is nice. But not so nice was my CEO coming up to me and saying, "Man, you don't look so good, you should go home." Yikes!

I'm like, "Well, I have a few things I have to take care of."

"OK," he said. "But get out of here as soon as your done."

So, I went over to Stephanie's desk to ask if I looked like shit, and I relayed the story to her. "He loves you!" she said.

She looked over her shoulder and then wheeled closer to me.

"Don't tell anyone I told you, but yesterday at the meeting Luke said he wanted to make you an offer to stay full-time during the year. I just don't want them to ambush you. They're great salepeople and have a way about them," she said.

While I knew Luke valued me from our previous conversation I didn't think he wanted to get me to stay full-time. This is very weird and exciting and just brings up so many issues. I won't quite school, I know that much. I'm not ready to sell my soul to Corporate America. Although I could work full-time for a year and take part-time classes I wouldn't want to torture myself or lose the sense of college that you cna only get by living at school and participating in on-campus events.

I did say I wanted my life to be like Sarah Conley's, didn't I?

Wednesday, July 5, 2000

I'm in my pajamas, but have been up since 9. I called in sick. Everyone else in the house is at work.

Let's do the time warp again!
Book-related snippets:

UbiEx: i would love to lay in bed with someone reading books all afternoon.

treebjen: me too

UbiEx: i've never actually thought about that until just now.

UbiEx: but how perfect!

UbiEx: did i ever tell you about how the author of one of my favorite books emailed me a few years ago?

treebjen: by coincidence?

treebjen: like "oh my god i love your website, let's make babies" sort of email?

UbiEx: it was very cute, she emailed me because she had searched AOL profiles to see if anyone mentioned her book, Franco American Dreams. I listed it as a favorite, and she thanked me. She lives close to me, I remember...maybe I will email her and ask to interview her for Targum or something.

Wanna know a secret? I totally judge books by their covers. Literally.

When I go the Barnes & Noble in Paramus and head to the discount area, I am overwhelmed with choices, many of which are total garbage. So in order to cut down on the number I bother to look at, I reach for the books with interesting, well-designed covers, anything that grabs my attention.

Sarah Conley is what I'm reading now. It was $5 or something, but I absolutely love it. The narration is pretty unsophisticated, which I like. It's not dripping with emotion, at least not yet, but I love the characters. Sarah is basically who I want to be: a brilliant journalist/writer with drama and passion and lots of issues filling up her life, but she has the stregnth and ability to do what she wants and needs to do.

Have any reading suggestions?
Harry Potter-mania is lame.

I actually wrote a story about it last week. The National Braille Press is producing a copy much earlier and for a lower cost than usual because of the demand. They received a lot of emails from blind kids who felt incredibly left out because they couldn't read the book while their sighted friends were. Sweet.
To my dismay, Jesus Christ Superstar, featuring the uber-talented Tony Vincent, is closing, before the new movie version is even released, which is kind of bad...could have generated a lot of publicity for each other. Anyway, discount tickets are on sale, and I suggest to all that live in the NY-area that you take advantage of the offer now.

"I'm sorry now and it's too late. I'm sorry now, do you have to hate me? I'm sorry now, so sorry and...I wish you wished I wished you love."

Jude, "Im Sorry Now"
After a month of bragging to co-workers that I had survived an entire school year without being sick (with more than allergies), a head cold hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday afternoon, just as Candice picked me up.

I was blowing my nose at the pizza place, sniffling at Thomas Sweet, bitching about my stomach on the car ride to Long Branch, sneezing at the movies and absolutely miserable as we drove along Ocean Blvd., having just missed the fireworks but in time for the insane post-celebratory traffic.

Today? I called in sick to my internship, which was bizarre. I felt like I was in high school, telling my mom to call the attendance office or something. I actually felt really bad about missing work today, but I don't know how possible it would be for me to call people and speak intelligently or to write anything coherent.

So I will be laying in bed and on the couch, paying sporadic attention to the computer. UbiEx is the name, IM me and wish me well :)

Tuesday, July 4, 2000

The shit finally hit the fan.

God, this has been a bizarre weekend, and you can read about part of it in journal.

Well, Monica Seles tried, but didn't have enough energy to derail the Lindsay Davenport machine. Read all about her colossal deflation at the Wimbledon site.

Monday, July 3, 2000

New journal entry. Not about the Olympic Trials. :)
The Olympic Bloody Fucking Trials, you guys!

Who knows how far Sacramento is from San Francisco?
Oh. My. God.

Melissa Houston, my favorite lady, just informed me that she has quaslified for the Olympic Trials in Track &Field. Holy fucking shit! She didn't even qualify for NCAA this year, but she threw a monster distance yesterday at a meet in Fitchburg, Mass ("TJ," she said. "Don't let anyone ever call NJ the armpit of America. Fitchburg is like the deoderant in the hair of the armpit of America). I am so proud of my girl!

The amazing thing is the trials take place on July 22, 23 in Sacramento. I'll be in San Francisco on the 21st. If Melissa can get me a pass, I will *so* be there, cheering in the stands.

There are some things only a mom can do right. Like ironing khaki pants. lt takes a mother's touch, I think.
I went to the Lisa Loeb website because ever since I typed "tempestuous skies" I've had a song she sang with her college group (Liz & Lisa) stuck in my head. I couldn't find it, but I did find the lyrics to what must be my favorite Lisa Loeb song ever, one that I sing quite frequently, without knowing hardly any of the words. The italicized paragraph is one of my favorite lyrics of any artist, not because it's profound or clever or anything like that. It just makes me smile.

Summer, it starts when I see you.

My smile, it parts when I hear you talking to me.

My heart, it beats when it's me who I know you love,

and my mind, it just goes crazy knowing I'm going to be with you always.

I ask you if you will hold my hand,

and you ask me if I'll kiss you.

You want to know how much I love you,

I say, "Well, I guess I'll miss you."

Well, I call you on the telephone 'cause you call me all the time, 'cause I

need to know the same of you and you the same of me, that you're still mine.

Tell me a story about me and you and I know how it will end- happily ever

after, just like it will begin.

And I'll show you a happy boy and girl if you show me a picture of me and you.

When it's time to leave, I'll ask you what to do.

I ask you if you will hold my hand,

and you ask me if I'll kiss you.

You want to know how much I love you,

I say, "Well I guess I'll miss you."

Well, I call you back on the telephone 'cause you call me all the time,

'cause I need to know the same of you and you the same of me,

that you're still mine.
Kick-ass. Now you guys can see one of my favorite places in the state, Ocean Grove.
The sky is dark and tempestuous. I hear the rumbling of thunder in the distance. And I'm so fucking glad.
"This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"
I think this is a good thing for Mexico (Latin America is all over the news today). Change is good, especially when you're talking about a country that hasn't exactly prospered during the past century. The earlier news story I posted about the machismo/gay factor being scoffed at by the public is a really interest indicator that Mexico is changing, for the better.
Mom comes home from work early, before 5 p.m., which never happens, and says, 'Go to the back of my car, there's a whole pizza from work."

Ah, home. This almost balances out the bug situation. Almost.
Someone hacked into Ben Jenkins' server and deleted a lot of files. That is not good. Good thing he backs up almost everything...unlike me...if my files were deleted I would be completely fucked.
So, you know how I despise bugs? Last night I had to kill three of them before I could sleep soundly.

Any thoughts of me spending another night here before heading back to NB flew out the window then (ha). But, gracias a Dios, at least I don't have to deal with centipedes...God.
The Internet can be such a beautiful thing! Especially when I randomly come across wonderful sites like this and this.

Like in life, you can't resign yourself to what's familiar and stop searching for new things.

There's nothing I can even say about this. I just think it's important to realize shit like this still happens, every single day. We've come a long way, but there's so much farther to go.
(That post below, which mentions Laura, reminds me to ask Alysa Roth what the fuck she means by, "You're fucked!" Lady, I'll wreck you. I'm surprised you found the page, I didn't think you were web-savvy, you know, being quite a few years older than I am...It's all about love!)
So, you see the old ladies giving the finger in this picture? I swear to God, until last year, my Grandma thought giving the finger was sticking up your index finger. She did it to my Aunt Laura as a joke, but the joke was most certainly on her.

Oh, Grandma, she's such a cutie!
I totally dig this site. The design is wonderful, and I wrote a few mini-stories on the GLAAD media awards for my internship...if only I had come across this sooner.
Why, TJ, isn't this the day you were supposed to see Britney Spears at the PNC Arts Center?

Yes, it is! But Kim lost the tickets and never found them. So, I will be driving home to New Brunswick, carefully avoiding my roommate Jeremy, who will be at the concert.

I hope there are torrential downpours.

"When Pfeiffer looks at Harrison, it's as if her very eyes have sucked him dry already."
I love it when I find a story in a magazine or on a great wensite that I wrote about weeks earlier, no matter how much better their version is.
Yet another reason why I do not want to be a hard-news journalist, covering breaking stories in foreign lands. Walking across Times Square to get to a cushy office at MTV Studios is dangerous enough.
I love me some Andre Agassi! Even if he is with Steffi Graf, making up the weirdest tennis couple imaginable.

I love me some Monica Seles! She is looking fitter than ever, even in the Wimbledon-required all-white outfit. Wow, look at that forearm. You have to clench when you strike the ball to keep your wrist from giving.

I love me some funny faces! The looks on these players' faces while going for a shit are hysterical. Also, Enqvist has the exact haircolor I want.

Monica Seles defeated the "Barcelona Bumblebee" Arantxa Sanchex Vicario (will she add another name now that she's getting married?) today in the Round of 16 at Wimbledon. Relatively easy match. But next up is Lindsay Davenport, the defending champion. Monica has trouble with the really hard-hitters, but I think on grass, which isn't the best surface for either player, Monica has a good shot of pulling through, and if she does, she'll be an odds-on favorite to make the final, which would make me JOYOUS.

Lindsay and Monica, two of the five Americans in the quarterfinals, are good eggs. Much respect for each other.

``I practiced with her last week and I know she's hitting the ball great,'' said Davenport. ``I know she's playing at a lot higher level than ... the last few finals I've played her.''

(I think I would really love being an AP tennis writer. God, writing sports stories is stressful, but could be so much fun.)
Perspective and environment are very weird concepts, difficult for me to grasp, but incredibly interesting to ponder. For instance, Fidel Castro, who spouts ridiculous threats and bullshit promises, is actually so caught up in his false reality that he believes he is righteous and that Cuba is a real threat. His government says things like, "Those who think we are ending should know that we are beginning!" But the truth is, no more than four years after Castro dies, the government will collapse. Cuba is the typical example of what's wrong with Latin American nations. He has done very little to help his people, his "pueblo," his "isla." And the people no it.

But here's where perspective comes in. There are many who believe Castro is a God, who have made him another Che, who believe every word out of his mouth is truth. They don't question his motives, his way of carrying out plans. It's not a majority, I don't think. Getting to speak with younger Latinos who teach at Rutgers has shown me that this generation is not going to stand for incompetence much longer.

Sunday, July 2, 2000

I saw "Me, Myself and irene" with Terri tonight. It was ... pleasant. I really just wanted to see Renee Zellweger in a comedy, since she was so brilliant in "Empire Record," but unfortunately, she didn't have classic lines like "Well, Sinead O'Rebellion, shock me, sock me, sock me with that devious behavior!"

At Starbucks, after the movie, this pseudo-artsy "barista" was taking everyone's orders. As I was waiting (it took forever, the Starbucks in Ridgewood is a *hub*) I hear him say to a customer in front of me, "You know, you're the first person to ask me correctly, 'May I have a drink?' instead of 'Can I?'" I almost puked in his face.

Saturday, July 1, 2000

I had my first bad hair-dye experience today. My hair is at that half-brown/half-blonde stage, so I bleached it today with weird maxi-blonde or something. I had never used it but I never do strand tests or look at instructions for very long. Anyway, I put it in my hair, and it just felt gross. Then my entire scalp started to itch, a lot. I walked through the living room and Cathleen asked me why my hairline was red. I was calm, but pretty concerned. The itching was just too much, so I washed it out early. It bleached my hair, and left no real irritation, but I will not be bleaching my hair again, I don't think.

Also, I have this journal entry I wrote while sitting on the beach yesterday. It's on my laptop, though, and I'm in Allendale (to pick up my freaking cell phone charger...what a lame reason to have to schlep over here) so I'll post it whenever I get back to NB.

Be well.