Thursday, January 25, 2007

This makes me really happy. I think I have a crush on him.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Punta Morro

Punta Morro
Originally uploaded by Alex Dinamo.
Yay. Just reserved a suite at the hotel behind this photog's lens in Ensenada for early April. ¡Vamos a Mexico, cabrones!

Monday, January 15, 2007

There is a lot of garbage but also a few gems in this site's archive. While searching for something for the GUBA Blog, I came across this faux fight between me and a former DivInc colleague. Not so funny to those with no knowledge of the inside jokes she makes reference to, but super funny to me.


Can we talk?

I feel as though a truce needs to be called between us, regarding our recent behavior toward one another. When I discussed the situation with my anger management counselor, he suggested I initiate a dialogue with you in the hopes that a cordial working relationship could be establish, which may produce a long-lasting, and rewarding, friendship for years to come. I shared with him our good times - your faxed love letter to me, "D" as in "DeGroat," when you pulled the handle off the fireplace at Clyde's, Leonard - those were good times. However, I also mentioned some of our darkest days - my punching you and pouring water over your head, you calling my hair ugly and saying my nails looked trashy, and you're over-competitive bowling attitude. With a little effort, and a lot of love, I think we can work through all this bitterness, before real violence occurs.

What do you say? Can we be friends?

Your sincere neighbor,


Dear Stephanie,

Please notice the following spelling/grammar corrections:

"could be establishED" - line 2
"your" instead of "you're" - line 4

Once you've mastered the English language, perhaps we can heal. Until then, bite me, number one Heather.

Warmest regards,
T.J. DeGroat"

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm walking down the street with a coworker after a coffee run and she says to me, "Gay or French?" I turned to see who she's talking about and it's someone I worked with three and a half years ago, with whom I've had no contact since leaving the company. It was so random. And he really is gay, so right on, K.

Monday, January 8, 2007

T.J.'s Law

T.J.'s Law
Originally uploaded by tjdee.
If, in a stack of 100 lids, there is one without an opening, I will grab that one.

I wish I would notice these things sooner.

Friday, January 5, 2007