Saturday, April 30, 2005

Dolores Park

Dolores Park
Originally uploaded by treebjen.
This was the view from my Muni stop for a year. Le sigh.

Friday, April 29, 2005


At work, when you go into the "edit" menu to check out the stories
that have been posted on the Web site, the headline often is cut off
because the field can only handle a certain number of characters.
Today, the copy editor noticed that one headline was cut at a very
unfortunate point. It read (only in the "edit" menu, mind you):

Dethroned 'Ms. Wheelchair' Given New Tit.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Joyce hearts Jesus. She "gets all excited" when you talk about his love.
Sarah Jessica Parker talked to WNYC's Leonard Lopate last month (that's right, you enter quarterlife and begin listening to pulic radio). One of the best -- and most relevant right now -- moments: "Can you do it? Oh, if you can't do it you should definitely say yes. If it seems daunting or terrifying, then you should most certainly say yes."

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Me and Ella

TJ and Ella
Originally uploaded by treebjen.
Cousin. What a cutie.
This is what my mother (everyone's mother, no?) looked like in the mid-80s. I just love Joyce!

For further album-cover insanity, check out the Very Special Artists section. I dare you not to laugh. (And yes, I'll see you in hell.)
So, I'm thinking lots of photos (with commentary), some links and very few personal anecdotes. Irregular updates? Disappearances? Mais oui! Would you expect anything else?