Tuesday, April 29, 2003

The only thing more pathetic than a tandem bike is seeing someone ride one ALONE.

Busy, busy, folks. More later, perhaps.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

TEEJAYMAS 2003 is upon us. Here's a funny birthday email from my grandpa, transcribed by my aunt Frieda:


23 years since I held my first grandchild in the Middletown apartment. Everyone agreed "that's a keeper."

Year by year it became clear Ann had a winner. Communication skill is a top priority and you have it in spades. Your natural compassion and positive perspective have armed you with the tools to attack the naysayers.

San Francisco is an excellent choice for honing these skills. However, everyone hits the wall of boredom and burnout. That's the time to saddle up and come to the Rocky Mountain Foothills with the climate and diversity of activities - definitely a prescription for re-energizing.

I love my grandson - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Monday, April 14, 2003

this weekend my computer's hard drive DIED. my two-month-old laptop. the hard drive is totally gone. ben spent hours trying to fix it yesterday. and since evrything from my old desktop had been moved over to the laptop, my entire life from sept 2001 until now is GONE. just a few days before my birthday and a day before my first USA Weekend story is due to a super nice editor i'm dying to impress.

luckily, i have a ton of stuff online and on my work computer, i.e. most of my story, my new resume, cover letter template, targum stuff, but still, like 90% of my email is gone, random word docs filled with stuff, old resumes, BLAH.

add to that the fact that this is the grossest weather week SF has seen in months, with rain predicted for almost every day, just in time for my mom's visit.

Tuesday, April 8, 2003

I had a teeth cleaning today - it was my second dentist appt. in two days. yesterday as I was leaving after the first visit (x-rays, awful bite-downs, adorable young dentist), the woman went to schedule me a cleaning and while the usual wait is TWO MONTHS, she had one open up today, so I grabbed it.

Anyway, the dental hygenist who used the pick-axe to hack away at my teeth had, predictably, totally fucked up teeth. Physician, heal thyself! Seriously, it's like when you go to the hair dresser (or Supercuts, in my case), and the stylist has insane blue hair. Like, what is she going to do to ME?

So I'm going back again next Monday. I have two months left at my medical center (aka insured) job and $1,000 dental ceiling for the year, so I'm gonna try to squeeze in as much as possible.
Hmm. And just like that, we have a blog again. Let's see how long it lasts...

Monday, April 7, 2003

Oh yeah, does everyone agree with me that Trading Spaces is so last year? It's all about While You Were Out. Lesley and Andrew are both adorable as can be and Teresa Strasser is my love. She grew up in SF, too, about 10 blocks from my house, in fact.
Pages and pages of hollywood gossip/blind items. awful...ly addictive
Hee hee. Forgot about that post. I think I'll leave it for a while as a cruel reminder...

Sunday, April 6, 2003

Who woulda thunk it? It's true. Ben is a serious asshole with severe mental problems.

Friday, April 4, 2003

I've been feeling a little crazed. I just started an internship program at one of San Francisco's alt weekly papers (that's all you get for now), but I'm still working part-time at the medical center, so every day I have to change my way of thinking completely. Just like my senior year of high school, when I had AP English, Hon. Latin and AP Spanish consecutively.

The craziness continues as two of Ben's friends from Ann Arbor hang in our apartment for a few days, my mom and Earl visit in less than two weeks and a plethora of birthdays (including the all important Teejaymas 2003) come up...

Good times.