Wednesday, April 12, 2000

I conquered the RU Screw! But, it took a awhile.

Yesterday when I tried to register for classes online a little message popped up that said I needed to go to my dean's office. What the fuck?

I figured it was parking, so this morning I went to Parking and Transportation services to pay off my tickets. $145 worth. The lovely cashier who took away my hard-earned cash, Gargi, told me I had to go to the ASB building on Busch campus to have the hold removed. This is the RU Screw, wandering from office to office when you have no idea exactly what the problem is.

So, I walked back to my apartment, trekked to my car and drove to Busch. I blindly slid through the halls in the ASB building and finally found the Registrar's office, where a mean lady took my pink slip. She told me my parking hold was gone, but there was another hold from the dean's office. Awesome!

So, I drove back to College Ave. and stood on the surprisingly long line at the receptionist's office where I was told I had to declare my major. Easy enough. I'm now officially a Journalism & mass media and Spanish major. But, I probably won't be able to register until tomorrow. Screw. You. R. U.

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