Friday, February 5, 2010

While not as long as last year's nine-week stay in Mexico City, I'm off to Buenos Aires for five weeks beginning just before my birthday. I'm thinking if I head to the southern hemisphere before the big day, time will go backwards and I can ward off 30 for a little longer. Yes?

If not, I can enjoy finally being able to check Argentina off the list. No plans to explore much of the interior (it's way too far to Patagonia) but I am going to take the high-speed ferry across the ocean-like Río de la Plata to Montevideo when J comes to visit. Who knew Uruguay had so much going on?

I'll be working remotely for most of my stay, from a studio apartment in Recoleta/Barrio Norte. It's walking distance to Subte, the famous cemetery, Parque Las Heras and, of course, the kinds of empanada, pizza and gelato places I'll be dreaming about from now until April. Anda anda anda.


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